A great start to 2024

It was a very busy start to the new year…

We welcomed a new EastBio PhD student, Peyton Goddard, and a new Masters by Research Student, Lynn Wong! We look forward to seeing their research kick of this semester!

The second week back to work we welcomed a group of visitors from the Welcome Trust to the School of Life Sciences: Paul Schreier (Interim CEO), John-Arne Rottingen (newly appointed CEO), and Julia Gillard (Chair of the Board of Governors).

It was great to tell them a little about our work on Cryptosporidium. When we have visitors, I always bring along the acrylic stain-glass window Janice Aitken made of Cryptosporidium oocysts.

Mattie meeting Julia Gillard!

At the SLS Annual Review of the Year, it was announced that our new selection marker for Cryptosporidium genetic modification won runner-up for the “SLS Innovator of the Year” Award. Well done to the team, especially Jack and Simona!

The local Dundee SPPIRIT committee won the SLS People’s Award! Thanks to Melanie Ridgway for suggesting that we nominate the group and congrats to everyone in the team.

Dean of Life Sciences Julian Blow, Rebecca Edgar, Melanie Ridgway, Josh Richards, Marketa Novotna, Mukul Rawat, me.

We are now the proud owners of this impressive trophy!

Mattie was an invited lunch speaker back in July 2023 at the local Dundee Rotary Club. She invited the group to come visit and tour the labs, and we were finally able to arrange this. It was great to meet and talk about how Dundee has changed over the years and how the work at the School of Life Sciences has impacted the city. Thanks to everyone for coming and spending the afternoon with us.

Thanks to Ali Floyd for giving a short tour of our WCAIR medicinal garden, despite the really bad weather and to members of the lab for joining in for a cup of tea.

Mattie gives a tour of the SLS building and the Pawlowic Lab to members of the Dundee Rotary Club.

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