Congrats Beatrice and Emma!

Congrats to Beatrice on the success of her project application to the Wellcome Centre for Anti-Infectives Research. Ross provided supporting data, ideas, and writing. Beatrice was awarded £10,000 for her project. She had to win over all of WCAIR with a 5 minute “pitch”, then write a 2 page application, and present to the WCAIR management board. It was worth it though, and we’re all excited to see her develop the project over the next year!



Congrats to Emma for being selected for a travel grant from hellobio!

Emma was also awarded a conference travel grant from the Disease Models & Mechanisms and The Company of Biologists Limited.

This will support her travel to attend the Keystone Meeting “Tissue Organoids as Models of Host Physiology and Pathophysiology of Disease” in Vancouver in January 2020.




You can read more about it here:

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